Many may wonder why the title is Seeking God's Face.
This trip is meant to be a rest for me. It has been a while since I took a long vacation. Rest is an opportunity to get a glimpse of God's perfection. One thing I learned years ago is that when one is searching for something, that person is really searching for God.
God created us with an inherent desire for him. Some people know this but sad to say, a lot do not. Whether we know it or not, we search for God and to paraphrase St. Augustine, "our souls are restless until it rests in you."
In the busy-ness of work and daily routine activities, there is a tendency to forget that our purpose in life is not to be successful or to be rich. It is also not only to be happy. But we were created to give glory to God. This is possible only when one stops and remembers the source of all good things and to seek the person who gave the things rather than the things.
The Lord promised "every one who seeks finds". This promise is for everyone (believers, non-believers, sinner or saint) - no exceptions. And even now, I claim that promise.
This vacation is my search for God's face. It is a time for me to get a deeper glimpse of God's perfection. Rest comes not because of getting time off from work or from sleep. But rest comes by finding Jesus. "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 12:28).
I plan to use this blog to write down interesting things that happened to me in my trip - not only the spiritual things but even other things. I'm looking forward to enjoying food, food, food!!! plus some time with family and friends.
My trip begins tomorrow - technically Sunday at 00:30. Looking forward to it.
Adveniat regnum tuum!
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